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Stories from EWB Australia
The volunteers that mobilise our volunteers!

The volunteers that mobilise our volunteers!

Throughout 2020 our in-country overseas volunteering program was halted due to COVID-19. But it hasn’t hampered our ability to support our community programs. This is where our newly recruited mobilisation team has come to the fore. Coordinating a range of projects,...

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Pro-bono project wins water award

Pro-bono project wins water award

The Australian Water Association recognise the outstanding achievements of individuals and organisations making a positive change and help drive a sustainable water future. Australian Water Association’s Queensland Water Awards were announced on 18 November 2020. The...

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Hard Rock Sanitation Solutions and World Toilet Day

Hard Rock Sanitation Solutions and World Toilet Day

World Toilet Day is 19 November. It’s a time to consider the massive impact safer sanitation and hygiene solutions can have for the 4.2 billion people living without access to safe sanitation. The day plays a key role in focusing international efforts to achieve SDG 6: Water and sanitation for all by 2030.

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Engineering Possibilities Webinar Q&A

Engineering Possibilities Webinar Q&A

During our Engineering Possibilities Webinar Q&A, held on Wednesday November 4th, 2020, we received many insightful questions and whilst we attempted to provide as many answers as possible, there were a handful we couldn’t get to. We've answered these outstanding...

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Celebrate Naidoc Week 2020

Celebrate Naidoc Week 2020

We are delighted to celebrate NAIDOC Week 2020 and acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, culture and achievements. For 65,000 years First Nations People occupied and cared for our country and were our first farmers, scientists, astronomers,...

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2030 Strategy Launch Webinar Q&As

2030 Strategy Launch Webinar Q&As

During our 2030 Strategy launch webinar, held on Wednesday October 14, 2020, we were delighted to receive some great questions from our event participants, many of which we did not have the time to answer. We have answered many of these here, in this Q&A post. Q....

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Our Manifesto

Our Manifesto

As part of 2030 Strategy launch, we put a call out to our network to ask them to contribute their voice to our refreshed vision. The result is a video that captures our "manifesto"- a declaration of our intent and an inspiring 'call to arms' for the engineering...

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It’s just good business – partner with EWB

It’s just good business – partner with EWB

As part of our 2030 strategy, we are solidifying our commitment to partnering with business, for good.  From the beginnings of EWB in Australia, we have attracted engineers from all disciplines and backgrounds to engage in meaningful work with communities in Australia...

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Partnering for the Pacific with EWB New Zealand

Partnering for the Pacific with EWB New Zealand

Our work in Vanuatu is delivered through an ongoing peer partnership with EWB New Zealand, which commenced over ten years ago. EWB Australia and EWB NZ work together strategically - coordinating initiatives jointly as well as alongside each other - across a range of...

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This National Science Week we've collaborated with UTS Women In Engineering and IT and the Techgirls Movement Foundation to share #MySTEMstory - the stories of women from rural regions of NSW who have forged amazing careers in STEM. In Australia, and particularly in...

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