+61 3 9108 7215 info@ewb.org.au
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Grace Roberts

Grace Roberts

Grace is driven by the intertwined relationship between the technical and social – and helping engineers navigate the complex social world they shape through engineering. She has an interest in participatory approaches, believing in the power of people to...
Alesha Printz

Alesha Printz

Alesha’s passion for engineering was discovered whilst volunteering in a remote Mongolia community, convincing her of the importance of engineering to provide equitable lives for all. Several years later, in 2005, she joined an ambitious new organisation  –...
Llawela Forrest

Llawela Forrest

With over two decades’ experience in marketing and brand communications across media, lifestyle brands and social enterprises (including running her own communications agency), Llawela arrives at EWB Australia full of passion and purpose to apply her skills more...
Lara Hunt

Lara Hunt

Lara’s background is in mechanical and building services engineering, specialising in energy efficiency and passive design solutions for leading consultancy firms. As a Regenerative Development practitioner, Lara facilitates through her passion for living...
Eleanor Loudon

Eleanor Loudon

“I am passionate about ensuring that through our work as development practitioners we bring contribute and balance to the dialogue on issues that impact us all, that we work with unusual suspects to push thinking, and focus on solutions for people on the margins....