+61 3 9108 7215 info@ewb.org.au
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Alesha’s passion for engineering was discovered whilst volunteering in a remote Mongolia community, convincing her of the importance of engineering to provide equitable lives for all. Several years later, in 2005, she joined an ambitious new organisation  – Engineers Without Borders.

Alesha’s EWB journey has been career-defining. During her two-year term as Chapter president (2008/09) she was awarded Young Professional Engineer of the Year (2009) by Engineers Australia. Other significant leadership roles include past Victorian President of Engineers Australia (2018) and she is a current board member of the Industry Capability Network, Victoria.

She is a Chartered Professional Civil Engineer and her early career focused on the delivery of water infrastructure projects. Her current role as General Manager, Victoria at Engineers Australia provides a unique opportunity to positively impact the profession.

Alesha is committed to the engineering profession and working with EWB to influence and drive change in the sector. She believes that diversity, social inclusion and developing the capability of the profession to deliver great outcomes for the community and society at large is essential.