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EWB volunteer profile – Jon Lee

This month we’d like to celebrate the amazing work of EWB volunteer Jon Lee. Jon is a civil engineer with years of experience in design and construction supervision on geotechnical building and infrastructure projects. Jon’s illustrious career includes...

Overseas Volunteer Departures

Gary Field-Mitchell Gary Field-Mitchell is a Kiwi who graduated from an environmental engineering degree, then followed this with a masterate in process engineering, mostly because he wondered if there was more to life than poo (still undecided on this). He arrived in...

EWB’s ‘Best Ever’ Conference

Some of the highlights of Engineers without Borders 2009 conference included presentations from General Peter Cosgrove, ABC foreign Correspondent Eric Campbell, Evan Thornley from Better Place Australia, comedian Dave Thornton and EWB’s returned volunteers and...
Erin Wicking

Erin Wicking

Erin is passionate about global sustainable development and seeks out every possible opportunity to empower people to take action in their communities. She has put her undergraduate degree in Media Communications and Australian Indigenous Studies and Masters of...