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Technology Development

we take great new ideas and develop them into life changing technology for the hardest to reach.

Technology Programs

We work with some of the most creative minds in engineering and combine that with a passion for human centered design, to develop smart appropriate technology so everyone can lead safer, healthier lives free from poverty.

Our dedicated innovation pipeline fosters new solutions for safe sanitation, water, energy, and shelter, and puts the needs of the community first. From student ideation through EWB Challenge and EWB Design Summits, to further investigation and testing with EWB Research, and EWB Field Placements, we take great new ideas and develop them into life changing technology for the hardest to reach.

Professional Skills

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Achieving our 2020 Vision

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Coffee Bean

Best Beans

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Coffee Bean

Quality Milk

Accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam.
Coffee Bean

Perfect Blend

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Technology stories

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Remote field visits, tuk-tuk commutes, and fish amok: a year in the life of an Australian volunteer

Remote field visits, tuk-tuk commutes, and fish amok: a year in the life of an Australian volunteer

Water, risk, and sustainability engineer Nicole Locke had always wanted to work overseas but there had never been a good time to do it. She graduated into a difficult job market and was lucky enough to find a position with Water Corporation in Perth. Fast forward a few years to 2019 and Nicole was considering her next move. 

“I was talking to a mentor and she said, you’ve always thought about going overseas and volunteering,” Nicole said. “’Why don’t you just do it?’ I thought—well, why not?” 

Congratulations to the 2023 EWB Challenge Showcase award winners

Congratulations to the 2023 EWB Challenge Showcase award winners

Each year, the EWB Challenge Showcase brings together top university student teams from across Australia and New Zealand, EWB staff, our community partner representatives, and industry. Students present the most innovative, community-centred design ideas developed in response to the EWB Challenge Design Brief, and all event participants celebrate a year of learning, focused work, and collaboration. This year’s EWB Challenge Showcase saw students, academics, judges, and EWB staff from across Australia, New Zealand and Cambodia travel to James Cook University’s Nguma-bada campus in far north Queensland to battle it out for the top spot.

EWB Board Update

EWB Board Update

EWB’s recent board elections and AGM have seen some changes to EWB’s board. In the EWB board elections held on 20 November 2023, of which two roles were available, Dan Lambert was re-elected for another term, and we welcomed Sheena Valenti to the EWB Board. Dan...

Inside the Dili Water System Emergency Repair program

Inside the Dili Water System Emergency Repair program

The Dili Water System Emergency Repair Program (DWSERP) addressed the catastrophic flood damage to Dili’s water transmission systems wreaked by heavy rains in April 2021. The program, funded by the Australian Government via the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, commenced in June 2021 and concluded in June 2023. EWB Australia, along with its program partners, played a key role in providing technical support, concept design, advice and delivery of multidisciplinary engineering to repair and stabilise major sections of Dili’s water system. The project was a wonderful opportunity for EWB to display its ability to engage in emergency infrastructure recovery projects. With the project now complete, the project team shared some of their reflections.

Engineer by profession, engineer in spirit

Engineer by profession, engineer in spirit

Picture this; you’re an undergraduate university student working on your first introductory engineering assignment where you are required to draw a bridge for a remote village in Cambodia. Or you are a Master’s student designing a HVAC system for households in Nepal, with variable temperature, pressure, and elevation levels to consider. University teaches you the basics – the software, the calculations, and how to write the report at the end – but how can you be sure that it’s fit for purpose in those locations? Do you really need to understand the socio-technical and cultural aspects of building something for a community you might never visit?

Building a reliable water supply for the residents of Darlau, Timor-Leste

Building a reliable water supply for the residents of Darlau, Timor-Leste

In Darlau, a village in Timor-Leste, collecting water was until recently a slow and physically demanding task. Every day, residents would trek to the only springwater supply and carry buckets back up a steep hill. This job was generally done by women and children – a round trip that could take up to 2 hours, and in extreme heat during summer.

‘Impactful Futures’ Immersives return on Lama Lama Country

‘Impactful Futures’ Immersives return on Lama Lama Country

‘Look, listen, learn’ was the mantra of Traditional Owners on Lama Lama Country during EWB’s Impactful Futures Immersive in July, which took participants on a journey through the tropical landscapes and cultural sites of Cape York for a week. By observing and attuning themselves to the sights, sounds and voices around them, participants were able to experience a deep immersion in the culture and history of Lama Lama Country.