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Impact Stories

Making change happen across Australia and Asia Pacific.
EWB Board Update

EWB Board Update

EWB’s recent board elections and AGM have seen some changes to EWB’s board. In the EWB board elections held on 20 November 2023, of which two roles were available, Dan Lambert was re-elected for another term, and we welcomed Sheena Valenti to the EWB Board. Dan...

EWB Board Update

EWB Board Update

EWB’s recent board elections and AGM have seen some changes to EWB’s board. In the EWB board elections held on 20 November 2023, of which two roles were available, Dan Lambert was re-elected for another term, and we welcomed Sheena Valenti to the EWB Board. Dan...

Melbourne Climate Change Event Wrap

Melbourne Climate Change Event Wrap

On a Thursday evening in February we hosted a dialogue around climate action and sector responsibility. “Reimagining the role of the technical sector in the face of climate crisis” was a sell-out event, a nod to the passion and dedication of our community to ensure...

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Work on water guidelines in Vanuatu

Work on water guidelines in Vanuatu

In Vanuatu, the Climate Crisis presents new challenges around access to safe water. Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG6) is: CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Worldwide, 2 out of 5 people do...

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Wetlands sanitation on the Tonle Sap Lake

Wetlands sanitation on the Tonle Sap Lake

World Wetlands Day (2nd February) raises global awareness about the importance of wetlands and the need to restore, conserve and promote sustainable use. The day was founded by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands in 1971, where contracting nations commit to identifying...

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The EWB Challenge on the world stage

The EWB Challenge on the world stage

This year’s EWB Challenge Showcase was delivered in collaboration with the World Engineers Convention (WEC) and created a dynamic atmosphere that sets the bar for engagement and activation of the engineering and engineering education sectors. Each year, the EWB...

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Portrait of a new stereotype

Portrait of a new stereotype

MePatricia Tatel, a student from the University of Queensland, joined as a volunteer on EWB's Torres Strait Regioneering trip last month. Led by EWB/Mecca MPower grant recipient Erin Hughes, the trip aimed to build on the school outreach work that EWB has previously...

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1000 young leaders unleash on the SDGs

1000 young leaders unleash on the SDGs

1000 participants. 150 facilitators. 9 days. 1 location. That's the United Nations UNLEASH, an annual program that started in 2018 (and will continue to 2030), where 1000 young leaders from various fields (and from over 160 countries) come together to generate new,...

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Scoping for best-practice

Scoping for best-practice

Much has been written about the EWB Challenge—our ground-breaking, first-year University program, now in its 13th year. Embedded into the curriculum of 28 Australian and New Zealand Universities (and adopted by EWB organisations around the world), the EWB Challenge...

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