+61 3 9108 7215 info@ewb.org.au
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Why EWB Australia’s professional training is unique

Why EWB Australia’s professional training is unique

Do you feel frustrated with wanting to influence change and have an impactful career but don’t know how? EWB Training Programs guide professionals, like you, who want to use their work as a tool for positive impact by expanding your understanding of emerging global...
Eight engineers, eight days, three communities

Eight engineers, eight days, three communities

EWB Australia pilots its new professional skills development program in three remote Cambodian communities. Today’s engineers are working within a rapidly evolving global economy and are required to address issues like climate change, technology emergence, automation,...
Inclusive design for smallholders with disabilities

Inclusive design for smallholders with disabilities

Cambodia is home to a large number of people with disability due to landmine injuries, age, congenital conditions, and malnutrition during the Khmer Rouge era. There is a labour shortage in rural areas due to youth moving away from farming in favour of more...
Designing for Disabilities

Designing for Disabilities

Engineers Without Borders Australia (EWB) uses human-centred design to promote equitable access for people with disabilities in Australia and the Indo-Pacific. One in five people in Australia, almost four million people, have a disability and the numbers are...
Kinship and Culture – training promotes understanding

Kinship and Culture – training promotes understanding

 It has been 27 years since the famous handshake between the Minister for Indigenous Affairs and his Opposition counterpart, symbolising a great beginning to the statutory Aboriginal reconciliation process. Yet constitutional and legislative deficiencies in the...