16 Dec, 2020 | Blog, ENGINEERING STORY, Impact Stories
Over the past year as EWB Australia initiated its new mobilisation program which matches volunteers with specific real-world projects to support EWB’s work. To launch the program, we identified three distinct streams: Open Challenges – such as the BirthWatch...
10 Dec, 2020 | Blog, INFLUENCE STORY
With just ten years to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals, international branches of Engineers Without Borders, including Engineers Without Borders Australia, are uniting to call for a professional engineering competencies reform. The organisations are united...
5 Dec, 2020 | Blog, JOURNEY STORY
Throughout 2020 our in-country overseas volunteering program was halted due to COVID-19. But it hasn’t hampered our ability to support our community programs. This is where our newly recruited mobilisation team has come to the fore. Coordinating a range of projects,...
16 Aug, 2020 | ENGINEERING STORY, News
Our first year of activating our mobilisation strategy has created more opportunities for volunteers and more support for communities. 53 volunteers mobilised 4 conceptual design projects completed (another 3 in progress) 800+ volunteer hours The launch of EWB...
30 Jun, 2020 | Blog, ENGINEERING STORY, News
Pictured: Francis is happier and healthier three days after receiving oxygen therapy for suspected pneumonia/sepsis. Image credit: Peter Casamento Photography/FREO2 Pneumonia is the biggest killer of children across the globe, causing over 800,000 deaths per year*....