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OZ-TL friendship paves a way for sustainable WASH

OZ-TL friendship paves a way for sustainable WASH

Tara Bartnik recently started a placement with EWB's local partner organisation, WaterAid Timor-Leste, as a WASH Program Quality Mentor. She blogs about her experience of working with the organisation to build their capacity in planning and managing community...
Getting down to business

Getting down to business

In July Jimi started a volunteer placement with Engineers Without Borders (EWB) working as a WASH Technical Mentor with Rainwater Cambodia. He has had some interesting experiences in that short time and, by his own admission, has learnt a lot –...

Launch of Lafaek Water Social Enterprise Project, Timor Leste

Currently in Timor Leste there is a no reliable regulated water supply, and typically drinking water is either imported bottled water or must be drawn from wells, bores and springs, and then boiled to make it safe for consumption.  “Ensuring the...
RWC & EWB recognised at Australian National Water conference

RWC & EWB recognised at Australian National Water conference

Last week, I had the privilege to attend and present at OzWater, the Australian Water Association’s (AWA) annual conference, along with Kea, the executive director of Rainwater Cambodia (RWC). As well as my presentation, I also was involved in planning and...