Impact Stories
Making change happen across Australia and Asia Pacific.
A message from EWB CEO, Eleanor Loudon
As Eleanor wraps up six years as EWB Chief Executive Officer this month, she shares some reflections about her experience leading the organisation over the years: An Indigenous elder on an island in Kratie, Cambodia, once took me aside and asked directly, what can...

A message from EWB CEO, Eleanor Loudon
As Eleanor wraps up six years as EWB Chief Executive Officer this month, she shares some reflections about her experience leading the organisation over the years: An Indigenous elder on an island in Kratie, Cambodia, once took me aside and asked directly, what can...

The Handi-Plough tool has one simple job: to empower Cambodian women farmers
In Cambodia, nearly 80% of people live rurally and many operate small farms to feed their families and generate income. These agricultural holdings are often run, and worked, by women who face unique challenges in the field. EWB engineers Mengheang Hak, Mitch Horrocks...
Inspiring a future generation in human-centred engineering
What do dangerous goods, 3D printed water tanks and the art of storytelling have in common? Quite a lot - when you view them from a human-centred perspective. That’s what EWB’s University of Western Australian Chapter in partnership with Engineers Australia, did this...
Stories from the field – Daniel Pires
The Amazon River contains one-fifth of the world's surface-level water. With two-thirds of the river snaking through Brazil, the sheer mass of water would appear to support a flourishing ecosystem and the citizens of Brazil’s sprawling cities. However, a mix of city...
International universities engineering with First Nations communities
The EWB Challenge is Engineers Without Borders Australia (EWB)’s pioneering design program enabling over 10,000 engineering and technical students from Australian and New Zealand universities to design creative solutions to real world problems. This year, students...
Sparking Curiosity In Future Engineers
Engineers Without Borders Australia (EWB) has teamed up with long-time, corporate friend, Bentley Systems, to spark curiosity in future engineering students through the delivery of the Innovation Challenge (26th - 28th November 2021). Andria Zanotto is an EWB...
Regioneering in the west
In June 2021, thirteen EWB volunteers from West Australian Chapters took a four-car convoy for a week-long trip, ‘regioneering’ their way through the state’s south-west. EWB's Regioneering program aims to inspire students in remote areas to explore engineering and...
Stories from the field – Kasey Williams
Most high school students walk away from university open days with a bunch of flyers, drink bottles and a show bag from the snow club. Kasey Williams certainly did too, but she also gained valuable insight into the flourishing world of humanitarian engineering. Kasey...
Stories from the field – Vikrant Gorasia
One day on his daily commute to primary school, they took a detour. Roadworks lead the school bus through Kibera, a neighbourhood that is home to Kenya’s largest slum. Outside the bus window, sewage was used as a domestic water source and layers of smoke formed a...
We work in the regions most acutely threatened by climate change
We work in the regions most acutely threatened by climate change. Against a backdrop of unprecedented global heatwaves, wildfires, retreating ice, record sea level rises and extreme cyclones, we created our 2030 strategy. In it, the impacts of climate change are...