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Impact Stories

Making change happen across Australia and Asia Pacific.
A message from EWB CEO, Eleanor Loudon

A message from EWB CEO, Eleanor Loudon

As Eleanor wraps up six years as EWB Chief Executive Officer this month, she shares some reflections about her experience leading the organisation over the years: An Indigenous elder on an island in Kratie, Cambodia, once took me aside and asked directly, what can...

A message from EWB CEO, Eleanor Loudon

A message from EWB CEO, Eleanor Loudon

As Eleanor wraps up six years as EWB Chief Executive Officer this month, she shares some reflections about her experience leading the organisation over the years: An Indigenous elder on an island in Kratie, Cambodia, once took me aside and asked directly, what can...

Stories from the field – Daniel Pires

Stories from the field – Daniel Pires

The Amazon River contains one-fifth of the world's surface-level water. With two-thirds of the river snaking through Brazil, the sheer mass of water would appear to support a flourishing ecosystem and the citizens of Brazil’s sprawling cities. However, a mix of city...

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Regioneering in the west

Regioneering in the west

In June 2021, thirteen EWB volunteers from West Australian Chapters took a four-car convoy for a week-long trip, ‘regioneering’ their way through the state’s south-west. EWB's Regioneering program aims to inspire students in remote areas to explore engineering and...

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