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EWB Australia appoints new Chief Executive Officer

Engineers Without Borders Australia is excited to share with you news of the appointment of Russell Shewan as the new CEO of Engineers Without Borders Australia, effective Tuesday 11th June 2024. Russell has held executive and leadership roles with organisations such...

EWB CEO Announcement

After six years at Engineers Without Borders Australia, Eleanor Loudon has made the decision to step down as Chief Executive Officer in June 2024.  Eleanor leaves a legacy of scaling EWB’s work and bringing big-picture thinking to our organisation. Under Eleanor’s...



The following key themes will be explored:· Partnerships: review different partnership models including those within thecommunity, corporate and education sectors· Appropriate Technology: case study based exploration on the development...

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Closing the Gap in Engineering

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people represent . per cent[] of the overall population, however, across Australia in there were only Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people enrolled in engineering degrees, less than . per cent of overall enrolments[].And...

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Solving the world’s toilet shortage

VIDEO: Solving the world&#;s toilet shortageBy Dani Barrington, Monash UniversityThis video is a co-production between SBS World News and The Conversation.See also:Solving the toilet shortage needs a bottom-up approachDani Barrington is employed by Monash University...

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Integrating Culture into Water Management

Ngarrindjeri country is located in the southeast region of South Australia, featuring a large area of the Murray River Basin, including the lower lakes (Lake Alexandrina and Lake Albert), the Murray Mouth and the Coorong. Ngarrindjeri creation stories have roots in...

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Link Festival 2013

Influential speakers and creative innovators from around the world inspired and challenged us, interactive panels and hands-on workshops encouraged us to explore new ideas, and Lentil as Anything dished up magnificent food three times a day. Key note speakers included...

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