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The following key themes will be explored:

· Partnerships: review different partnership models including those within thecommunity, corporate and education sectors· Appropriate Technology: case study based exploration on the development ofcontextually appropriate designs/solutions to address humanitarian engineering problems· Capacity Building: profile various models used to build capacity and identifykey lessons learnt· Program Design: experiences in engaging a technical profession inhumanitarian work· Education and Research: the role of education and research in achievingoutcomes for communities· Creation of Shared Value: exploring priorities for the government, communityand private sectors, and determining how collaboration can facilitate mutually beneficial outcomes· Trends and Innovations: key trends that will shape the future of communitydevelopment in our region

These themes will be explored through a series of presentations, panel discussions and interactive displays. 

Come along and participate in what will be an informative and thought provoking day with speakers from the Australian Government, the private sector, philanthropic organisations and the community sector!

For more informationvisit: www.ewb.org.au/engage-summit