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Let’s flatten the curve, and let’s make the next curve flatter

Let’s flatten the curve, and let’s make the next curve flatter

EWB Board Member Peter McArdle reflects on COVID-19 and where it lands in the humanitarian-development nexus. Never before has the public been so captivated by a graph. Sure, engineers are used to taking solace in the comfort of a curve, but this is not… typical,...
Menstrual hygiene needs attention. Period.

Menstrual hygiene needs attention. Period.

Menstrual hygiene is gaining traction as a critical water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) concern in the Asia-Pacific, and intersects many Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In Timor-Leste, our WASH program works to support the needs of rural communities in...
Supporting Vanuatu’s Covid-19 education response

Supporting Vanuatu’s Covid-19 education response

Vanuatu remains one of the few countries in the world with no confirmed cases of Covid-19. But cultural activity, remote living, low incomes and a stretched health system make Vanuatu communities highly vulnerable to the spread of such a virus. EWB Australia has been...
Making groundwater more accessible for Vanuatu communities

Making groundwater more accessible for Vanuatu communities

Groundwater is a vital resource in Vanuatu in which many depend on for their daily use. In a changing climate and with a growing population, demand for this resource is continuing to grow. Vanuatu’s archipelago consists of many small reef and volcanic islands which...