+61 3 9108 7215 info@ewb.org.au
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Futur-neers Forum 2022 – the wrap

Futur-neers Forum 2022 – the wrap

The Futur-neers Forum was a welcome and long overdue in-person reconnection of EWB’s Chapter network after a two-year, lockdown-riddled hiatus. Over 50 EWB staff and Chapter volunteers – representing 16 of the 19 active EWB Chapters dotted right across Australia...
Regioneering in the west

Regioneering in the west

In June 2021, thirteen EWB volunteers from West Australian Chapters took a four-car convoy for a week-long trip, ‘regioneering’ their way through the state’s south-west. EWB’s Regioneering program aims to inspire students in remote areas to explore engineering...
Futur-neer outreach program awarded WISE Grant

Futur-neer outreach program awarded WISE Grant

Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Australia’s, “Futur-neer” program has secured a major grant from the Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources as part of the Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship (WiSE) program.  The Futur-neer program...