19 May, 2022 | Blog, JOURNEY STORY, Meet our Futur-neers
Feature image: Chelsea picking coffee beans in Railaco, Timor Leste during her time volunteering as a mentor on a Humanitarian Design Summit trip in July 2018. Nurse. Farmer. Social worker. Athlete. Biomedical scientist. These were just some of the many careers that...
9 Dec, 2020 | Blog, EDUCATION STORY
In 2019, as a final year Systems Engineering student at the Australian National University (ANU), Liam Highmore was accepted into EWB’s Research Challenge – the final-year offering in the EWB Challenge series. EWB’s unique research approach collaborates with community...
9 Dec, 2020 | Blog, EDUCATION STORY, News
The Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE) has recognised EWB and its University partners team for engineering excellence for the Humanitarian Design Summits in the Engineering Education Engagement category. The awards, presented at the AAEE Annual...
8 Dec, 2020 | Blog, JOURNEY STORY
When Hannah was seven years old, she had a massive pet hate. Traffic lights. Being driven around in the backseat of the family car, the need to stop at a traffic light was always a source of frustration. Why did you need to wait for so long? There’s no traffic coming,...