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Floating Biodigesters Provide Sanitation Solutions in Cambodia

In August this year Gab started her placement with Live & Learn, Cambodia (www.livelearn.org) – a non-governmental organisation that aims to reduce poverty and advance sustainable development through innovative environmental education and environmental...

Connecting Land, Water and Culture

The Murray Darling Basin study tour provided participants with an opportunity to learn about Aboriginal culture and history first-hand from Traditional Owners, and apply this to their personal and professional lives through a reconciliation plan. Participants...
Engaging Students in Engineering Wins WA Science Award

Engaging Students in Engineering Wins WA Science Award

The High School Outreach (HSO) Program is an innovative, hands-on, science and engineering outreach program that connects inspiring technical professionals to high school students across Australia and New Zealand. The program is run during science subjects and...

2012 Australian Humanitarian Engineering Summit

In July , the inaugural Australian Humanitarian Engineering Summit was held in Brisbane. During this summit, the profession was asked to provide input into the imperative, and potential response of humanitarian engineering. Five priority areas were identified;...

Engineers as Humanitarians: New Institute Launches

The  Institute works in partnership with Australian universities to deliver sustainable development and humanitarian engineering education programs. EWB is a non-for-profit organisation that supports disadvantaged communities on appropriate technology and...

Danny Almagor: Big Ideas to Change the World

Danny Almagor was sitting in an aerospace engineering class when he had a life-changing moment.The university student, more interested in the side of engineering that directly affected people, found his course had drifted almost solely towards...