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NAIDOC week celebrations with the Yorta Yorta Nation

A huge thank you to all the dedicated EWB volunteers and members who participated in or helped run NAIDOC week activities around Australia.Jun Qu, Yorta Yorta Nation HSO Coordinator & Module Lead, organised a team of volunteers to travel to the Dharnya Centre in...
Closing the Gap in Engineering

Closing the Gap in Engineering

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people represent . per cent[] of the overall population, however, across Australia in there were only Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people enrolled in engineering degrees, less than . per cent of overall enrolments[].And...

Integrating Culture into Water Management

Ngarrindjeri country is located in the southeast region of South Australia, featuring a large area of the Murray River Basin, including the lower lakes (Lake Alexandrina and Lake Albert), the Murray Mouth and the Coorong. Ngarrindjeri creation stories have roots in...

EWB Vol Awarded 2010 Young Water Professional of the Year

Amazing EWB volunteer, Claire Dixon was recently awarded in recognition of her work by receiving the Young Water Professional of the Year Award.Claire has made significant achievements in her seven years since graduation with Melbourne Water and more recently with GHD...

New Project Profile – The Lamalama Ranger Base Upgrade

New Project Profile – LamalamaNew Project in – Lamalama Ranger Base Upgrage -Cape York QLDPosted by Nathalie Cattaneo to Public file storage, th January , :amLamalama is a new project in focusing on improvements to the ranger base at Port Stewart...