Empowering women in engineering in Timor-Leste
Working hand in hand to overcome gender barriers, EWB Australia and Feto Enjiñeira are empowering women in Timor. A civil engineer in Timor-Leste, Dulce Adolzinda Ximenes Soares, is passionate about the importance of sanitation. Dulce wants people in remote and rural...
Emergency response to El Nino in Timor
Rural Timor-Leste relies heavily on the rainy season for the replenishment of their aquifers and water sources. Additionally, agriculture and livestock rearing depend on the rainy season precipitation. The 2015-16 El Nino event crippled parts of Timor-Leste with...
Feto Enjiñeira – forging powerful pathways for female engineers
“Generally in the world it is tough to be a female engineer, and in Timor Leste it is especially hard due to social beliefs that engineering is a male profession, and that women should be in the kitchen, or always below a man.” explains Dulce Adolzinda Ximenes Soares;...