+61 3 9108 7215 info@ewb.org.au
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40 Over 40 – Inspiring ARUP employees to join EWB.

40 Over 40 – Inspiring ARUP employees to join EWB.

Arup's 40 over 40 campaign – Inspiring ARUP's employees to join EWB.Arup’s 40 over40 campaign is designed to inspire more senior Arup employees to become actively involved with Engineers Without Borders Australia (EWB).Written by Matilda...
Connecting Engineering Companies with Pro Bono Work

Connecting Engineering Companies with Pro Bono Work

The Year of Humanitarian Engineering was an opportunity to celebrate and mainstream pro bono engineering within Australia. Since then, EWB has released the Snapshot to Pro Bono Engineering Report () and the #probonopledge campaign that asked engineers and CEOs across...


The following key themes will be explored:· Partnerships: review different partnership models including those within thecommunity, corporate and education sectors· Appropriate Technology: case study based exploration on the development...