+61 3 9108 7215 info@ewb.org.au
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Launch of Lafaek Water Social Enterprise Project, Timor Leste

Currently in Timor Leste there is a no reliable regulated water supply, and typically drinking water is either imported bottled water or must be drawn from wells, bores and springs, and then boiled to make it safe for consumption.  “Ensuring the...

EWB Connect – a New Hub for Pro Bono!

EWB Connect, an initiative of EWB Australia, promotes opportunities for pro bono engineering and services, linking community projects in need with professional technical skills and advice. EWBConnect.org will now make it even easier for professionals...
Launching EWB Australia’s Annual Report ‘Towards 2020’

Launching EWB Australia’s Annual Report ‘Towards 2020’

EWB Australia is proud to launch its 2015-16 Annual Report, ‘Towards 2020,’ celebrating and reporting the impact of our organisation over the last financial year.  The report, EWB’s most comprehensive yet, showcases the breadth of our impact and...

Celebrating International Volunteer Day – Basia Wronski

Meet Basia Wronski, Process EngineerBasia is an EWB Volunteer, Corporate Representative and Process Engineer in Surface Facilities Development at Origin.  EWB Australia relies on the work of over 1200 members who actively volunteer their time to EWB, as part...