28 Apr, 2021 | Blog, JOURNEY STORY
When most children get tired of their toys, they’re usually thrown away or donated to the local charity shop. As a young kid growing up in Adelaide, Stephanie May’s mum encouraged her to give away her toys to other children, to bring them some joy. Stephanie was also...
28 Apr, 2021 | Blog, ENGINEERING STORY
In Vanuatu, the world’s most disaster-prone country, there is not yet an approved approach or plan to guide a sanitation and hygiene response after an emergency. The confluence of Cyclone Harold and a global pandemic in March 2020 saw the significant impact on Vanuatu...
28 Apr, 2021 | Blog, ENGINEERING STORY
Building on initiatives underway in Vanuatu that are exploring solutions to disposable nappy waste – the single largest contributing item to waste in Vanuatu’s capital – EWB is now working on a project to assess solutions to this challenge in 15 countries...
18 Apr, 2021 | Blog, EDUCATION STORY
Protecting spring water is critical to ensure the safe – and sustainable – supply of water in many rural communities of Timor-Leste. Timor-Leste is a beautiful but mountainous country, terrain which makes accessing water through borehole wells impractical....
9 Apr, 2021 | Blog, ENGINEERING STORY
Last weekend, and in the midst of a COVID-19 lockdown, heavy rain caused widespread flood damage throughout Timor-Leste. Over 11,000 people have been displaced from their homes, and 30% of Dili’s residents are currently unable to access water, due to severely damaged...