+61 3 9108 7215 info@ewb.org.au
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Appropriate Technology- Designing Affordable Handcycles

The new design aims to cost approximately / of the current cheapest handcycles available in Australia, while retaining all of their features and more. This would be of great benefit to Australian cyclists, and has potential for worldwide impact, as cheap alternatives...

Danny Almagor: Big Ideas to Change the World

Danny Almagor was sitting in an aerospace engineering class when he had a life-changing moment.The university student, more interested in the side of engineering that directly affected people, found his course had drifted almost solely towards...

Thinking of Volunteering Overseas? Jai shares his experience

Jai, what did your role as Field Officer involve?The South Asia Field Officer role involves so many things I couldn’t include them all here. Basically my role as the Field Officer was to be EWB’s eye, ears, mouth and nose (especially pertinent) in India,...

‘Go far, go together’ campaign

An old African proverb notes that if you want to fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go together. Development around the world has taken place at an incredible rate resulting in life-threatening implications for many communities.At EWB Australia, we know that if...

Cambodian Development Adventure

hands-on understanding of humanitarian development in a culturally rich and challenging environment. It also provides a wonderful opportunity to network with like minded community and business leaders.Engineers Without Borders Cambodia Development Adventure will...