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Making an Impact Summit – it’s the taking part that counts!

We were incredibly inspired by the creativity and professionalism of all the presentations, and recognize the hard work put in by everyone who participated put into it. It was great to meet so many enthusiastic students, academics and practitioners, and share stellar...
Kickstart with Mecca M-Power Boot Camp

Kickstart with Mecca M-Power Boot Camp

In early August, Chelsea Hayward, the recent winner of the MECCA M-Power grant supported by a partnership between Engineers Without Borders Australia and MECCA Brands, participated in a bootcamp for young female social entrepreneurs. The bootcamp formed part of the...
Understanding the Indigenous legacy enriches Engineering

Understanding the Indigenous legacy enriches Engineering

How far back to we need to go to understand the engineering solutions that have been applied to shape our landscape?  In Australia examples like the Brewarrina Fish Traps in South Western New South Wales, recognised by Engineers Australia as a heritage location...
Coming together for Naidoc

Coming together for Naidoc

NAIDOC outreach events have become a staple in the Vic EWB calendar. As always a troupe of volunteers represented by national office, state chapter, university and professional associate alike all pile into cars and journey up to Barmah for a day dedicated to the...