The sisterhood supporting women engineers
In Timor-Leste essential services and infrastructure are still developing and a relatively low-skilled engineering sector compounds these challenges. Women in particular face specific barriers accessing education and employment. So EWB Australia’s program Feto...
From Aid to Enterprise with Atec*
Engineers Without Borders Australia’s ATEC Biodigester project is an innovative social enterprise providing clean energy and health benefits to rural Cambodians. Like 85% of rural Cambodians, Long Sokhon made a modest living off the land. She grew rice along a...
Empowering women in engineering in Timor-Leste
Working hand in hand to overcome gender barriers, EWB Australia and Feto Enjiñeira are empowering women in Timor. A civil engineer in Timor-Leste, Dulce Adolzinda Ximenes Soares, is passionate about the importance of sanitation. Dulce wants people in remote and rural...
Designing for Disabilities
Engineers Without Borders Australia (EWB) uses human-centred design to promote equitable access for people with disabilities in Australia and the Indo-Pacific. One in five people in Australia, almost four million people, have a disability and the numbers are...