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From the Field: New Water Resource Infrastructure in Nepal

In July , Siobhan commenced a month volunteer placement to work with NEWAH to design and supervise the construction of a new water resource infrastructure. NEWAH is working in villages in Nepal that have been facing worsening water shortages over the past years,...

Integrating Culture into Water Management

Ngarrindjeri country is located in the southeast region of South Australia, featuring a large area of the Murray River Basin, including the lower lakes (Lake Alexandrina and Lake Albert), the Murray Mouth and the Coorong. Ngarrindjeri creation stories have roots in...

To Flush or not to Flush? That is the Question.

Those of us who don’t think about shit for a living probably don’t realise that there is nothing inherently crucial about water when it comes to toilets. We use it to move our waste around- I admit that it is pretty effective for that. But, in most...

Celebrating Inspiring EWB Women for Women’s Day

EWB is full of incredible women who are INSPIRING CHANGE in their spheres of influence. Today we celebrate a few of our change makers.Yara SathYara is a Cambodian woman who has dedicated her life to assisting urban poor communities in Cambodia. In she founded...

2014 launched with fireworks and humanitarian spirit

With . million people watching the pyrotechnics spectacular around the Sydney Harbour Foreshore, it was an exciting opportunity to celebrate the role of engineering and technology in creating a better world.“The New Year’s Eve event in Sydney was truly...