+61 3 9108 7215 info@ewb.org.au
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Launch of Lafaek Water Social Enterprise Project, Timor Leste

Currently in Timor Leste there is a no reliable regulated water supply, and typically drinking water is either imported bottled water or must be drawn from wells, bores and springs, and then boiled to make it safe for consumption.  “Ensuring the...

EWB International Program Mid-Year Report 2016/2017

EWB continues to concentrate its work on key thematic areas, with a focus on capacity building, the use of appropriate technology, and strengthening the technical and education sectors in the areas in which we work. EWB is currently facilitating projects focused on...

National Volunteer Week 2017

Working tirelessly and cheerfully, turning their hand to a huge variety of things not always in the job description, our volunteers are running EWB chapters, hosting fundraisers, inspiring school kids with the possibilities of science, and educating the broader...