It’s sanitation but not as we know it
Engineers Without Borders Australia has pioneered access to sanitation for communities living in challenging environments, and is fostering cross-sector collaboration to help rural Cambodians access appropriate, affordable sanitation solutions. Living in Australia,...
Emergency response to El Nino in Timor
Rural Timor-Leste relies heavily on the rainy season for the replenishment of their aquifers and water sources. Additionally, agriculture and livestock rearing depend on the rainy season precipitation. The 2015-16 El Nino event crippled parts of Timor-Leste with...
The human centered approach to sanitation
Engineers Without Borders Australia uses human centred design to empower people in Cambodia to be the change they want to see in their communities Just two months before this picture was taken, Mr Chin had never heard the word toilet before. He and his family,...