5 May, 2023 | Blog, EDUCATION STORY
It’s a sad reality: regional students all too often miss out on important educational opportunities that their peers in the city get to enjoy. When it comes to STEM outreach, many programs are run out of capital cities, which means regional school students can easily...
30 Mar, 2023 | Blog, EDUCATION STORY
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been practising engineering and sustainably managing Country for over 70,000 years. But in the engineering sector, the number of Indigenous engineers employed in Australia remains low. How can we attract this critical...
28 Mar, 2023 | Blog, EDUCATION STORY
Pictured: A Youth Outreach workshop at a primary school in Western Australia. From Busselton on the southwest edge of Australia to the Torres Strait Islands in the far north, EWB Australia’s Regioneering program sprung well and truly back into action in 2022.Through...
1 Aug, 2022 | Blog, JOURNEY STORY
One day in 2018, while spending part of her gap year volunteering as a teacher in Cambodia, Charli Fell’s career aspirations changed completely. Charli had always wanted to make a difference in the lives of others. She thought the best way to do so would be to become...
19 Nov, 2021 | Blog, ENGINEERING STORY
Pictured: Erakor Bridge Community resident David Kalsal, who has been a vocal campaigner for improved access to safe sanitation. Across the world, 3.6 billion people are living without access to safe sanitation. For many communities, conventional, affordable and...