Not all toilets are created equal – pioneering sanitation for challenging environments
Millions of people live in flood prone, mountainous and remote areas – challenging environments where the average toilet system won’t work. Without access to sanitation, people still practice open defecation leaving them vulnerable to disease and pollution. EWB...
Youth enterprise opens opportunities for Timorese with disabilities
Timor-Leste has what is described as a ‘youth bulge’. Almost 60% of the population of this relatively new nation are aged under 25. With increasing numbers entering the workforce every year, currently only around 11% are employed. (DFAT 2018) This is a difficult...
Special toilets have special needs
What kind of toilet do you need when you don’t live on land? We ask that question every day, because we work with communities living on lakes, flood plains and high in remote mountains. Living in the places where standard sanitation systems don’t work. If we are to...