Forging Pathways For Women
In Timor-Leste, three in ten people lack access to clean water – essential services and infrastructure are still developing. A relatively low-skilled engineering sector compounds these challenges, and women face specific barriers accessing education and...
Stronger from the inside – supporting locally-led engineering sectors.
“Culture and family are really important in Timor-Leste” explains Francisco Guterres Dos Reis. “One special tradition is when a family decides to build a house. All the families from the grandfather and the grandmother come to help. This is a celebration of our roots,...
Youth enterprise opens opportunities for Timorese with disabilities
Timor-Leste has what is described as a ‘youth bulge’. Almost 60% of the population of this relatively new nation are aged under 25. With increasing numbers entering the workforce every year, currently only around 11% are employed. (DFAT 2018) This is a difficult...