17 Jun, 2024 | Blog, EDUCATION STORY
In 2024, the First Nations context for the EWB Challenge will be delivered in partnership with Torres Strait Island Regional Council. Torres Strait Island Regional Council is Australia’s most northerly municipality, representing 15 unique island communities,...
30 Jan, 2024 | Blog, EDUCATION STORY
Each year, over 10,000 first-year university students across Australia and New Zealand participate in the EWB Challenge. Students work in teams to develop a solution to challenges identified by EWB Australia’s community-based partners. We are excited to announce that...
19 Sep, 2023 | Blog, EDUCATION STORY
Caption: EWB’s ‘Impactful Futures’ Immersive took participants on a journey from Cairns to Port Stewart in Far North Queensland in July 2023. ‘Look, listen, learn’ was the mantra of Traditional Owners on Lama Lama Country during EWB’s Impactful...
30 Aug, 2023 | Blog, EDUCATION STORY
Caption: Indigenous-led Youth Outreach program volunteer facilitator and Indigenous Engineers Group Chair, Grant Maher, showing a participant how to fly a drone during a workshop in Coen, Far North Queensland. A new place-based Outreach program – designed...
30 Mar, 2023 | Blog, EDUCATION STORY
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been practising engineering and sustainably managing Country for over 70,000 years. But in the engineering sector, the number of Indigenous engineers employed in Australia remains low. How can we attract this critical...