Stronger from the inside – supporting locally-led engineering sectors.
“Culture and family are really important in Timor-Leste” explains Francisco Guterres Dos Reis. “One special tradition is when a family decides to build a house. All the families from the grandfather and the grandmother come to help. This is a celebration of our roots,...
S for STEM not Stereotypes – encouraging diversity in engineering
“I want to break down stereotypes for boys and girls about what an engineer looks like and what they do,” explains Jenny Mackay, a chemical engineer at Origin Energy who takes time to volunteer with the EWB School Outreach program. The EWB School Outreach...
Inclusive design for smallholders with disabilities
Cambodia is home to a large number of people with disability due to landmine injuries, age, congenital conditions, and malnutrition during the Khmer Rouge era. There is a labour shortage in rural areas due to youth moving away from farming in favour of more...