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Recently EWB Australia (EWB) has learned that one of it’s corporate partners, engineering firm GHD, is a consultant engineer to the Adani Mining Carmichael coalmine project in the Galilee Basin in Central Queensland. GHD has a public commitment to sustainable development. However, based on this new information, and after several consultative meetings and honest conversations with our GHD counterparts, EWB has made a decision to respectfully cease its partnership with GHD.

EWB has a firm position on climate change. EWB is committed to using our role in the engineering sector to support the global transition to renewable energy as quickly as possible and reduce the market demand for fossil fuel driven energy. Although GHD share this objective EWB’s view is that GHD’s involvement in the Adani Mining Carmichael coalmine project is at odds with this position.

EWB has a robust and objective process for engaging in ethical partnerships. EWB reviews partnerships (potential and existing) with rigour, and chooses to not engage with organisations who do not fulfil our objective assessment process.. EWB’s view is that GHD’s involvement in the Adani Mining Carmichael coalmine project is at odds with our partnership criteria.

EWB seeks to positively influence change in the engineering sector. EWB is not a lobbying organisation. We do not see the value in alienating others, believing that creating greater divide contradicts our mission bedded in an inclusive, sustainable world. Our corporate partnerships are based on respect and our shared aims are the foundation of our work together. Our partnership with GHD has been oneof shared commitment for many years and this decision was a difficult one.

We will always support our EWB network of committed, inspired individuals regardless of where they are employed, as they make the world a better place through engineering. EWB is open to re-engaging with GHD should their position change.