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Meet The Candidates

EWB Australia 2021 Board Elections


Meet the five candidates nominated for the two available positions on the EWB Board for the 2021 Elections.

Watch each video to hear their pitch – to understand what makes each candidate tick, their suitability for a role on our Board, how they aim to contribute to EWB’s vision.
You can also read each candidate profile below, and how they address our capability statement.
Importantly, you can cast your proxy vote below, or register to attend the AGM to make your vote count on the day – Monday November 22, 2021.

Simon Bradwell

Matthew Imhoff

Juan Lewis

Daniel Lambert

Tony Marjoram

How to Vote

  1. You must be a paid voting member to be able to vote. You can check this via the member dashboard, or contact companysecretary@ewb.org.au 
  2. Read the Capability Gap and Diversity Statement that supports the voting process by identifying the diverse and complementary skills the Board requires.
  3. Consider each application carefully before casting your vote via the online proxy voting form or at the AGM. Applicants are listed above in no particular order. You may vote for up to two (2) candidates.
  4. 4.45pm AEDT on Saturday 20 November 2021 is the deadline for receiving proxy votes.