EWB's June Appeal 2020
As Australia starts to recover from Covid-19, the communities that EWB works with need you now more than ever. Please Donate Today!Normal.
As keen as Australians are to resume the kinds of activity we used to take for granted, the communities we work with can’t settle for their last normal.
2 in 5 people lack access to handwashing at home
785 million people lack even basic drinking water
673 million people practice open defecation due to lack of safer options
Coronavirus can remain active for more than 48 hours in faecal matter
More than ever, the communities EWB works with need your support.
COVID-19 has challenged the amazing EWB community’s ability to provide support like never before.
The pandemic’s economic impact has almost halved EWB’s operating budget for the coming year.
And yet EWB Australia is determined to do everything we can to maintain our programs and projects.
To support the communities we work with. 100%.
To do that we need you.
The communities EWB work with need you.
They absolutely need you.
Where your support is directed

Engineering COVID-19
Water shortage solutions for rural families
Supporting the nation’s Covid-19 education response
You can help build a world of engineers ready to take on the world of challenges we all face. Now and tomorrow.
You can help build water storage solutions in Cambodia to give them water they’ll need during the next extended dry season.
You can help develop hygiene and safe water standards in Vanuatu, standards crucial to their success in addressing COVID-19.
Your donation now has 10x the impact
When you donate to EWB’s June appeal you are helping find new ways to coordinate volunteer efforts, deliver programs, finish projects and start new ones, to innovate, invent, support and solve throughout Asia and the Pacific.
Please know that your past support has made a difference.
And if you can donate now, if you can give, even if it’s less than you would normally consider worth donating, please know that it’s not too little. Those communities need every gesture, every thought, every spare cent of impact we can deliver to them.
No matter the size, you can make a difference, again.
Right now.
Your support, now and tomorrow, will help vulnerable communities build a safer, better normal.
Covid-19 and the SDGs
The 2019 United Nations’ SDG report outlines global challenges that need addressing, and that can be actioned through the work EWB does in partnership with vulnerable communities in Asia and the Pacific. In addressing the challenges posed by Covid-19, there is one SDG that EWB must double-down on, in our focus and action.

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
– 785 million people remain without even basic drinking water services (2017)
– 2 out of 5 people worldwide do not have a basic hand-washing facility with soap and water at home (2017)
– 1 out of 4 health-care facilities worldwide lack basic drinking water services (2016)
– By 2030, 700 million people could be displaced by intense water scarcity
– 2 billion people live in countries experiencing high water stress
– 673 million people (9% of the global population) still practise open defecation (2017) – the majority of them are in Southern Asia