Impact Stories
Making change happen across Australia and Asia Pacific.
How traditional sand filtration methods are solving complex engineering problems in Cambodia
As the Mekong River ambles south from its origin in the Sanjianyuan nature reserve in China, it passes through Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand before arriving in Cambodia where it fractures into winding ribbons that create islands in the flow. The people of Koh Tnoat...

How traditional sand filtration methods are solving complex engineering problems in Cambodia
As the Mekong River ambles south from its origin in the Sanjianyuan nature reserve in China, it passes through Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand before arriving in Cambodia where it fractures into winding ribbons that create islands in the flow. The people of Koh Tnoat...

Engineering partnerships critical for progress: the case at Rawa
Over the past four years, Rawa Community School - one of Australia’s most remote Aboriginal Independent Schools, located on the edge of Great Sandy Desert in the Pilbara Region of WA on Warnman and Manyjilyjarra Country - has been working on improving the decline of...
Exploring ways to encourage Pro-Bono
How can we encourage Pro Bono services in our industries? This was the question raised at the recent think tank event organised by Engineers without Borders (EWB) and Engineers Australia (EA).During this event participants were given the opportunity to engaged with a...
Kinship and Culture – training promotes understanding
It has been 27 years since the famous handshake between the Minister for Indigenous Affairs and his Opposition counterpart, symbolising a great beginning to the statutory Aboriginal reconciliation process. Yet constitutional and legislative deficiencies in the...
International Day for Volunteer Managers – and why they matter!
This year's International Volunteer Managers Day theme is "Be the Voice". As EWB Volunteer Outreach Lead, Anna Cain wants to voice a big thanks to all the volunteer managers who are enabling EWB to connect, educate and empower people through humanitarian...
Kickstart with Mecca M-Power Boot Camp
In early August, Chelsea Hayward, the recent winner of the MECCA M-Power grant supported by a partnership between Engineers Without Borders Australia and MECCA Brands, participated in a bootcamp for young female social entrepreneurs. The bootcamp formed part of the...
Understanding the Indigenous legacy enriches Engineering
How far back to we need to go to understand the engineering solutions that have been applied to shape our landscape? In Australia examples like the Brewarrina Fish Traps in South Western New South Wales, recognised by Engineers Australia as a heritage location...
RWC & EWB recognised at Australian National Water conference
Last week, I had the privilege to attend and present at OzWater, the Australian Water Association’s (AWA) annual conference, along with Kea, the executive director of Rainwater Cambodia (RWC). As well as my presentation, I also was involved in planning and...
Coming together for Naidoc
NAIDOC outreach events have become a staple in the Vic EWB calendar. As always a troupe of volunteers represented by national office, state chapter, university and professional associate alike all pile into cars and journey up to Barmah for a day dedicated to the...
Embracing Aboriginal Culture Through EWB Partnership
Structural Engineer Katie Brown recently participated in an Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Design for Development programme in partnership with the University of Adelaide. The programme included a small number of workshops and a seven day tour across regional...