Voting Membership
Become a member to shape the organisation that's shaping the future of engineering Become a Voting MemberEWB Australia members share a great commitment to EWB’s work and help us to plan ahead and create sustainable impact.
One way to help EWB engineer a better future is to become a Voting Rights Member. Your vote at EWB’s Annual General Meeting will help ensure we have the best people in place to guide EWB forward as we guide the sector with thought leadership and passion and by example in every project we undertake.
Engineers Without Borders Australia is a member-led organisation. We want you on this journey with us.
Our focus is to engage our movement in two ways
We share opportunities to volunteer with our network. Register to volunteer and we will keep you up-to-date.
EWB is not limited by borders. We are limited by funds. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation whenever you can, of whatever you can. As a charity, individual donors are critical to funding EWB’s work. We can’t do this work without you.
Voting Membership
A Voting Rights Membership enables individuals in our network to maintain a voice in the constitutional governance structure of EWB.
Those interested in having a voice at our AGM, or wishing to hold a position on the Board, must pay a nominal $10 annual fee to secure voting rights. This fee covers the administrative costs to facilitate this process.
Please become a voting member today to shape the EWB of tomorrow!
Voting member sign-up
Please contact E: