+61 3 9108 7215 info@ewb.org.au
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Dear friends,

My time as CEO of EWB is coming to an end. I have been thinking about this for a while and I believe that it is a good time to pass on the reins to someone new. EWB is in a very positive position with exciting new strategic goals for the next five years, awesome staff, active and committed chapters, solid programs, a new look website and strong support from the industry.

EWB has been in the forming and storming stages of organisational development for the last seven years. Those stages were characterised by rapid growth, ad hoc systems, lots of ideas, lots of change, many mistakes and heaps of fun. As EWB is now a bit more mature, it is entering the norming and performing stages. These stages require steadiness, attention to detail, robust systems and processes, and a focus on timely delivery.

EWB is looking for a steady new leader to take it forward with the strategy. I do not plan on disappearing from EWB and hope to stay on the Board of Directors and continue to work for EWB in whatever way I can, be it fundraising, strategy, conference or public speaking.

On a personal level, I have my second child due in March as well as many new commitments that have sprung up over the last few years including supporting other great NGOs as a board member and getting involved in a few other business ventures. I will be spending more time with my family and sharing the load of two kids with Berry (my wife).

If you know of anyone who should be applying, make sure they find out about it and encourage them to step up to it.

EWB has been the most profound journey of my life so far. I have met the most amazing people through EWB and had the chance to really shape an industry. I have woken up every day with a spring in my step knowing what I was heading to the office to do.

If any of you want to chat to me about this please feel free to call me anytime.

